
The project

PeerPAL – Digital Networking in Aphasia to Improve Quality of Life is a joint project of the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg and the Katholische Hochschule (KH) Mainz. Read more

Latest information

Stay up to date! All the latestinformation on PeerPAL can be found here.


PeerPAL is a specially programmed app created as part of the project.
You can find more information about the app development process here

Our idea

Information video

Unfortunately, the PeerPAL study intervention has already been completed. Therefore participation is no longer possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@peerpal.de.
In this video you can see how the app is used and what the first experiences with it are.


If you would like to contact us,

you can reach us by e-mail here


Here you can find current publications

of the project PeerPAL

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