“We have been involved in research on participation and digitization for some time. People with aphasia can suffer from a lack of inclusion in the social context, which is why social withdrawal can occur and thus significantly impair their quality of life. Activities and relationships that are perceived as meaningful are crucial for quality of life and successful coping with aphasia. Affected persons benefit especially from the exchange with peers. With our project PeerPAL we try for the first time to promote the positive effects of peer support through digital as well as social inclusion. Mutual support increases self-efficacy and psychological well-being.”
-Prof. Dr. Norina Lauer, Project Coordination and Project Management PeerPAL-.
“We want not only to improve the quality of life of people with aphasia, but also to gain insights into digital learning under the condition of language limitations. Through the development of a social network in the form of an app, which is specifically specialized for people with communication disorders in aphasia, the social networking of people with aphasia will be supported. Through easier access, technical communication aids, and an expansion of intervention services, digital assistance can improve autonomous connectivity.“
– Prof.Dr. Sabine Corsten, Project Management PeerPAL-