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Participants wanted for aphasia study

DC Train Aphasia is a multicenter study funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to investigate the efficacy of intensive speech therapy for aphasia using tDCS brain stimulation (transcranial direct current stimulation) as a therapy-adjuvant application. Intensive speech therapy is offered at 19 study centers in Germany. The study is led by Prof. Agnes Flöel, Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology at Greifswald University Medical Center.
Inclusion criteria
  • Age: 18-70 years
  • Chronic aphasia due to stroke, last stroke at least 6 months ago
  • First language learned: German
  • No severe untreated medical problems (e.g., MS or Parkinson’s disease)
  • No severe uncorrected visual and/or hearing impairment




E-Mail: aphasie@uni-greifswald.de

Telephone: 03834–86–6745

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